Marketing Policies & Procedures
21. Once you send out the request, set a follow-up reminder for yourself to remind everyone on the 7 th and again on the morning of the 15 th to ensure that you get all information in time. You only need to send a reminder to those who have not submitted their information so if there are people on the original email request that submitted their information you can delete them off the reminder email. 22. Here is a sample reminder email to be sent on the 7th. Include the original email below this reminder so people can see what is requested.
23. Here is a sample reminder to be sent on the morning of the 15 th to those who have not submitted their information. Keep the original email and the last reminder emails sent below this one.
24. On the 16 th make a list of the information you have and have not received for the newsletter. Inform the Director of Member Experience about any information that has not been received yet so he can contact them to submit ASAP. 25. Write newsletter copy for all articles. 26. Email a word document of all completed copy to Director of Member Experience and Client Services Manager to review and provide feedback on. They have 48 business hours to give you their feedback. 27. Once you receive their feedback, make any necessary changes. 28. Email the final, approved copy to Ana Galvan and ask her to translate the copy into Spanish. We put a Spanish link up top on all eblasts. 29. Upload the blog article text in the blog with corresponding photos. Each article will need a title, 1+ categories selected, tags, featured image, and a 1-2 sentence description. The featured photo and description show on website before people click on the article so make this information compelling so people want to open the link and read. Aim to put a photo between every 2 paragraphs.
Marketing Policies & Procedures
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