TAFER Residence Club Membership 101. Updated 08-2024

What is the difference between Borrow VS Acceleration?

 Vacation Borrowing is available for all membership types. The number of years available to borrow is based on level of membership. Annual members can borrow up to 5 years from the front of their contracts, and Maintenance Fee must be paid for each year borrowed. Elite Residence Club members can borrow up to 10 years, Biennial members can only borrow to the next use year. **If MF increases for the Borrowed year, member is responsible to cover the difference at time of MF billing season.  Acceleration - Annual member can accelerate 1 year from the back end of the membership with at least 30% of purchase price paid. Elite 5* & Residence, allows member to bring 4 full sets of points from back end of membership at current’s year Maintenance Fee (fights inflation). The total amount of existing and Accelerated Club Points during any one Calendar Year may not exceed a total of five years.

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